Concrete foundation work is far and away the most critical component of each residential remodel and addition. It can be incredibly tricky work when tying into an existing concrete foundation to keep things level or can be relatively straightforward when constructing new concrete stem walls, piers, and footings on a flat surface with ideal soil conditions. When a sloping surface is involved or when soil conditions exist that are not ideal, the relative experience of the general contractor is vital to putting the foundation together correctly. From grading to excavation, TerraRevo Builders oversees the entire process of constructing a residential concrete foundation correctly. This work can be one of the more expensive elements of a residential addition as multiple steps are involved along with the high cost of concrete and rebar. A soils report will dictate what can and cannot be done and how best to proceed to construct a concrete foundation. An engineer will integrate the soil conditions into his or her design and specifications for the foundation found under the approved construction drawings. A forms inspection under a building permit must be passed with the local building department inspector before a concrete foundation can be poured.